Saturday, November 27, 2010

People Watching

I have always liked to observe people. Back in the day, when the corporation I was working for required me to cover everything east of the Mississippi river, I got a lot of airport waiting time in. No O.J. run for me to the gate! I would many times get there early just to sit and observe my fellow travelers.
The airports in Detroit, Miami, and Atlanta offered the most variety of people from many points on the globe.
Some of the conversations with the people that spoke English, I still remember. Everyone is indeed a story book.
Now that the Holiday season is starting to crank up, I will enjoy shopping, just to watch the folks around me!
The big box stores are always interesting as well as the large malls.
I recently accompanied my wife to a large fabric store. We were out shopping and I didn't want to sit in the car, so I went in with her. I noticed several other guys doing the same thing with their wives. It was funny to watch their reaction if you happened to notice them. I think they would have been more comfortable with a football under their arm, or a Harley Davidson t-shirt on!!
People watching is about the best free intertainment you can get!

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