Friday, March 30, 2012

A Little Road Trip

After a long winter, a little road trip was in order. The walls of the cabin have closed in on us at various times over the past several months, that, and the doctor office visits, that seem to go along with getting
"over the hill" lead to our decision to give the new Honda Pilot, her maiden flight on the Interstate's of the south. My wife's sister and her husband extended an invitation for a visit in central Mississippi.
They have a beautiful home situated on a very large lake. The hospitality, fishing, and good times were all first class. It was a visit we will have fond memories of for a long time.
I did get an opportunity to drive to Vicksburg, the city where I was born. The old saying "You can't go home again" sure rings true. I drove by the old homeplace of my grandparents and was disappointed
to see the owners had let the big old home fall into disrepair. I hate to say it, but the city itself is looking a little shabby as well, but my memories are still there, so mentally, I guess you can still go home in a way.
The new Pilot performed as expected, great ride, comfort and good fuel economy. This is our third Honda product, the realibility keeps us coming back. My old Ford truck, also a winner, is like the Ever Ready Bunny, it just keeps going, and going!
There were fewer cars on the road than I have ever seen. Gas prices I'm sure have a lot to do with it, but, there were more trucks than I have ever seen, probably all hauling goods from China, since we don't export much anymore.
It was good to get off of the ridge for a while. A little road trip brings everything back into perspective, I strongly recommend it!

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